
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Spoken petterns ( 1 )ျပန္စုၿပီးတင္ေပးလုိက္တာပါဗ်ာ။

1. Have you had……..? စားၿပီးၿပီလား/ေသာက္ၿပီးၿပီလား။
Eg. Have you had lunch?

2. Have you finished……? မင္း……ၿပီးၿပီလား။
Eg. Have you finished your letter?

3. Do you have……N ? မင္း…..မွာရွိလား။
Eg. Do you have any sister?

4. Have you got….? မင္း……မွာရွိလား။
Eg. Have you got spare pencil?

5. Do you like…..N ? မင္း…..ႀကိဳက္သလား။
Eg. Do you like this coffee?
Spoken pettern ( 2 )

1. Whould you like + to + V1 ? မင္း…….ခ်င္သလား?
Eg. Whould you like to drink?

2. How can I get to + place ?ဘယ္လုိသြားရမွာလဲ?
Eg How can I get to postoffice?

3. Could I see….N ? ကၽြန္ေတာ္…ေတြ႕လုိ႕ရမလား?
Eg. Could I see the nurse?

4. I was crazy about……. ငါ…….အရူးအမူးႀကိဳက္တယ္။
Eg. I was crazy about this a girl.

5. Have you been to + Please? မင္း…..ကုိေရာက္ဖူးလား။
Eg. Have you been to Mandalay?
Spoken pettern ( 3 )

1. Could you tell me the way to+P? ……သြားမည့္လမ္းျပႏုိင္မလား?
Eg.Could you tell me the way to market?

2. Do you know how to+V1? မင္းဘယ္လုိ.......သိလား?
Eg. Do you know how to study English?

3. I don't normally + V1. က်ြန္ေတာ္……ေလ့ထမရွိဘူး။
Eg. I don't nomally go.
မွတ္ခ်က္။ ။used to နဲ႕လည္းသုံးပါတယ္။

4. How do you find to+ V1? ……ဖုိ႔/ရန္ဘယ္လုိသေဘာရလဲ။
Eg. How do you find to go there?

5. How do you find+ N? ……ကုိဘယ္လုိသေဘာရလဲ။
Eg. How do you find this girl?
Spoken pettern ( 4 )

1. It's hard to +V1. ဒါ………ဖုိ႕ခက္တယ္။
Eg. It's hard to do.

2. Would you please pass me + N.?
Eg. Would you please pass me the book.

3. It's too late to + V1.
Eg. It's too late to sleep.

4. How long will it take to + V1?
Eg. How long will it take to go there?

5. Don't fail to + V1.
Eg. Don't fail to come.
Spoken pattern (5)

1.It's no worth to+V1.
Eg.It's no wort to do.

2.Do you fancy to+V1.?
Eg.Do you fancy to make it.

3. Do you have any plan to +V1?
Eg. Do you have any plan to go abroad?

4. I don't know whether S+V1 or not.
Eg. I don't know whether you belive or not.မင္းယုံခ်င္ယုံမယုံခ်င္ေနက်ြန္ေတာ္မသိဘူး။

5.I don't be glad to+V1.
Eg.I'd be glad to love her.
Sopken pattern ( 6 )

1.Have you done + O +before?
Eg. Have you done this job before?

2.Does + S + appeal to you?
Eg.Does the waiter`s job appeal to you?

3. Do you mind + Ving?
Eg.Do you mind taking your book?

4.I`m thinking of + Ving?
Eg. I`m thinking of studying English.

5.I`m afraid of missing +N.
Eg. I`m afraid of missing the football match.
1. Do you mind if……?
Eg. Do you mind if I sit down.

2. Would you like to+V1+or not.
Eg. Would you like to go with me or not?

3. Do you think………….?
Eg. Do you think she will come?

4. Do you want+N?
Eg. Do you want a book?

5. How can I get+N?
Eg. How can I get a job?
1. How long have you been + Ving?
Eg. How long have you been arriving here?

2. Would you mind passing me + N?
Eg. Would you mind passing me that book?

3. Are you thinking of + Ving?
Eg. Are you thinking of going to Bagan.

4. Are you going to +V1?
Eg. Are you going to stay here?

5. What would you like to +V1?
Eg. What would you like to eat?
1.Have you been+Ving+long?
Eg. Have you been waitting long?

2. Do you insist to+V1?
Eg. Do you insist to go?

3. What do you think of.........?
Eg. What do you think of me?

4. I'm used to+V1.
Eg. I'm used to get up early morning.

5. I would't dream of+Ving.
Eg. I would't dream of loving her.

1.I forget to + V1.
Eg. I forget to study lesson.

2. I don' t mind + Ving.
Eg. I don't mind paying money.

3. I don't know+ P+to+V1.
Eg. I don't know where to get off.

4. There's+ N+ Ving.
ဟုိမွာ..... ........ေနတယ္။
Eg. There's a girl coming.

5. I have to + V1.
Eg. I have to go there.


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